Thank you for booking with Workhorse Studio. To keep the studio at such a low day rate, and thus benefiting all productions, we operate as per the following booking policy:


If you place a ‘hold’ booking with us, it will remain valid up to 1 week prior to your booking date, without payment, with the following exception;

If we receive a ready to confirm booking request from another client for the same date/s we will contact you for a push to confirm:

 i) more than two weeks out you'll have 24 hours to confirm with payment in full. (emailed banking receipt required for confirmation)

 ii) less than two weeks out we require confirmation within 3 hours with payment in full (emailed banking receipt required for confirmation)

In both cases, if we have not heard from you or are unable to reach you in the required time your hold booking will be released.


We will confirm your booking (if not already confirmed) one week prior to your nominated start date and will require payment in full. Payment is due within 24 hours of this request to finalise your booking (emailed banking receipt required for confirmation).


  • Cancellations made prior to 8am, 8 calendar days out from the first day of your booking will incur half of the total booking fee being credited towards your next equivalent booking. The balance will be forfeited.

  • Cancellations made later than 8am, 8 calendar days out from the first day of your booking will incur the full amount of the total booking fee forfeited.

  • In both cases, if payment has not already been made, an invoice for any outstanding amounts owed will be raised and payment terms will be as per Workhorse Studios TnC’s

  • Cancellations can only be made via a date and time-stamped email received by Workhorse Studio at the following email address:

  • A booking date change is considered a cancelation.

  • We will always attempt to rebook another client into your canceled date/s in an attempt to minimise any cost to you. However, there will be a $100+gst fee (per day booked) that will be payable (or will be held from your original payment if already paid)


  • Workhorse Studio will make every effort to stay in contact with you, but your booking will be removed if we can’t reach you within the above required time frames. It is your responsibility to ensure that you or a representative is available & we have multiple contact details for you.

  • All requests for holds and/or bookings assume your agreement to the Workhorse Studio T&C’s (see: for TnCs)

  • In extreme cases, Workhorse Studio reserves the right to adjust your booking and/or hold timings. Every attempt will be made to contact you prior.

  • Workhorse Studio is not liable for forced booking cancellations due to circumstances outside our control.

  • These terms cannot be changed unless agreed in writing by Workhorse Studio.